Climate Change Informed Species Selection (CCISS – pronounced ‘kiss’) is a Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification-based analysis framework built to anticipate the change climate implications to tree species environmental suitability at a site specific level. The CCISS tool is a web-based application that makes this analysis accessible to practitioners to help guide climate change adaptation in reforestation decisions.
Understanding climate- and site-level species suitability is one of the foundational pieces of information that practitioners require for the creation of silvicultural prescriptions that will lead to successful reforestation over a rotation period. Climate change will affect this goal by progressively altering environmental conditions and therefore the suitability of tree species established on a site over time.
To address this challenge, the CCISS tool projects changes to species environmental suitability at a site series level for any user selected location in the province and estimates the future suitability of a tree species to this changing climate. To account for future climate uncertainty the tool looks at a wide range of global climate change models and emissions scenarios to capture the range of plausible climate futures for any location in BC in 20-year periods out to 2100.
To assist users, the tool compares the current species selection guidance in the Chief Foresters Reference Guide with the future forecast from the CCISS analysis. Reports from the tool highlight where currently acceptable species are stable/improving or declining/unsuitable and where new species have become suitable and could be considered as candidates for assisted migration.
The CCISS tool is a web-based R-shiny application organized into six tabs.
Option 1. Click on BGC map to add one or more individual locations. Use this option if you have specific sites you are interested in or are exploring CCISS results. Where multiple sites are selected, the user can choose to generate a report where points are averaged within a BGC (default) or for each individual site.
Option 2. Click on map to choose an entire BGC or a BGC within a single Forest District. The CCISS tool will use a set of pre-selected random points for the units chosen. This option is to be used where general trends are desired by area. The BGC + District option is probably most appropriate for stocking standard revisions.
Option 3. User selects a formatted CSV file to upload user-specified and named points. The batch file must be in comma-separated (.csv) text format specifying a short sitename, latitude, longitude, and (optionally) site series (Formatted like ICHmc2/01a with no spaces) for each site. Batch files of up to 4000 points are supported and run at about 20 points/second.
Option 1 and 2 default to BGC averaged reports while option 3 defaults to individual reports.
If additional points are added or other changes to parameters the “Generate Results’ button will change to ’Refresh Results” to regenerate the output.
The CCISS tool makes calculations that differentially weight climate models, scenarios, and time periods in results. We have assigned recommended weightings for general use of the tool. However, for some purposes users may wish to adjust the weights given to these parameters based on their specific objectives.
The Feasibility report provides an assessment of establishment feasibility, representing the likelihood of success in establishing the species to free growing if planted in the present climate. This value is a weighted average of the environmental feasibility in the 1961-2020, 2001-2020, and 2021-2040 periods. The default weightings are even across these periods to reflect three perspectives on feasibility. First, the 1961-1990 period reflects the proven viability of the species in the ecosystem. Second, the 2001-2020 period reflects the actual climate experienced in the location of interest. Third, the 2021=2040 period is the expected climate during the establishment of the species. Users may want to adjust the establishment feasibility weights based on whether they want a more historically-oriented or future-oriented assessment. Note that the feasibility in each of these periods is visible in the detailed feasibility report.
The Feasibility Report provides an assessment of maturation feasibility: the feasibility of the species through the entire future period to rotation (2021 to 2100). The default setting equally weight the four 20-year future time periods.
There are 13 global climate models available in the CCISS tool. However, the CCISS tool defaults to the 8-model ensemble of global climate models recommended by Mahony et al. (2022) and assigns each of these models equal weighting. The five models were excluded because their warming rates aren’t supported by observational evidence (CanESM5, UKESM1, INM-CM5; explained here), because they only have a single run for each scenario (BCC-CSM2, INM-CM5), or because they exhibit unrealistic localized warming in BC (IPSL-CM6A).
Global climate model projections follow scenarios of future greenhouse gas emissions called Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). The CCISS tool provides the option of giving different weights to the four major SSP scenarios: SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5. Collectively, SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP3-7.0 provide a reasonable representation of optimistic, neutral, and pessimistic outlooks on global emissions policies and socioeconomic development. The CCISS tool defaults to equal weighting of these three scenarios to represent scenario uncertainty in climate change projections. We have set SSP5-8.5 weighting to 0 in the default scenarios because it is extremely unlikely based on current trends in energy economics and policy (Hausfather and Peters 2020).
This is the main report of the CCISS tool. The Summary mode of this report provides a comparison of the Chief Forester’s Reference Guide for Stocking Standards (CFRG) and the CCISS feasibility assessment. The Detailed mode shows the distribution of feasibility ratings for the global climate model ensemble in each time period.
The concept and definitions of CCISS feasibility ratings are discussed in more detail here.
In the left pane select the BGC subzone/variant and then the site series of interest. The edatopic space of the selected site series is displayed in the graphic below for reference. By default the report will show all species that are predicted to be feasible in at least one model and time period. Choose the “Feasible Only” option to limit the list to species that meet the threshold for classification as feasible across the global climate model ensemble in any of the time periods.
This report shows modelled feasibility ratios for each species in the selected site series for each time period. The colour legend for feasibility ratings is on the left hand pane. The mapped biogeoclimatic unit represents the historical equilibrium climate approximated by the climatic conditions of the 1961-1990 period. The recent time period (2001-2020) has two bars: one for the observed climate (measured by weather stations), and one for the climates simulated by the ensemble of global climate models. These two bars aren’t necessarily expected to agree: The modelled climates sample a large range of possible recent conditions, of which the observed recent climate is only one.
The report then summarizes the baseline suitability ratings and forecasted feasibility ratings for each species in the following order:
The CFRG suitability rating: Suitability ratings taken directly from the Chief foresters reference guide
The CFRG P/A value: Preferred/Acceptable ratings taken directly from the Chief foresters reference guide
The Historical Environmental Suitability: Expert baseline environmental suitability rating for site series.
CCISS Establishment Feasibility: The feasibility rating based on the baseline (1961-1990), recent observed (2001-2020), and 2021-2040 future projected feasibilities. This indicates the likely level of constraints for successful establishment of the species in the present climate. Default model settings equally weight time periods.
CCISS Maturation Feasibility: The mean feasibility rating across the 20-year normal periods (2021-2100). This indicates the inferred feasibility of successfully growing an established to maturity (80 years). Default model settings equally weight time periods
P/A: Assessed preferred/acceptable rating based on establishment and maturation feasibility.
Trend: the proportion of the GCM simulations indicating improving/stable feasibility (numerator) vs. declining feasibility or remaining unfeasible.
The weights used to calculate Establishment Feasibility and Maturation Feasibility can be modified using the “Adjust Parameters” dialog box in the “Select Sites” tab.
This report compares CCISS maturation feasibility with the Chief Forester’s Reference Guide for Stocking Standards. Species codes are coloured according to trends in their future feasibility using the legend at the bottom of the selection pane: improving (green), decreasing (red). Species added to the CCISS stocking standard are coloured purple, and species dropped from the CCISS stocking standard are strike-through.
This section summarizes the biogeoclimatic projections that underlie the species feasibility forecasts. Biogeoclimatic subzone/variants (a.k.a. BGC units) are the climate component of the Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC). Each user-selected location has a mapped BGC unit representing its historical climate. Biogeoclimatic projections identify a BGC unit whose historical climate is the best match (best analog) for the future climate at a user-selected location. In other words, changes in climatic conditions (temperature, precipitation, etc) are translated into a change in the BGC unit.
The chart mode displays a stacked bar chart showing the ratio of future BGC analogs by time period predicted across range of global climate model-scenario climate projections. Hovering over a stacked bar will display these proportions numerically.
The recent time period (2001-2020) has two bars: one for the observed climate (measured by weather stations), and one for the modelled climates (simulated by global climate models). These two aren’t expected to agree: The modelled climates sample a large range of possible recent conditions, of which the observed recent climate is only one.
The default mode of this plot simply shows the BGC analog labels. Specifying a site series of interest will display the site series in the BGC analog that overlap with the edatopic position of the historic site series, along with the proportion of the edatopic overlap. The “minimum site series overlap” slider allows the user to include or exclude site series with small edatopic overlaps.
Select the site or area of interest from the drop down menu and then select a future time period. The map will show the historical BGC unit in yellow and the projected BGC analogs in grey. Darker greys indicate a higher proportion of global climate model projections matched that BGC analog.
This section contains information that may be useful for interpreting CCISS results and making management decisions.
This module summarizes the silvics of each species with historic or future feasibility in the selected BGC unit and site series. This information is drawn from Klinka et al. (1999). This information can be explored further at this link.
Klinka, K., J. Worrall, L. Skoda, and P. Varga. 2000. The Distribution and Synopsis of Ecological and Silvical Characteristics of Tree Species of British Columbia’s Forests. Canadian Cartographics Ltd., Coquitlam, B.C.
This module provides provincial-scale maps for user-selected species and site types. Three example site series representing different edatopic conditions are currently available: the B2 edatope (nutrient-poor, moisture-subxeric sites), C4 edatope (nutrient-medium, moisture-mesic sites), and D6 edatope (nutrient-rich, moisture-hygric sites).
The figure provides three maps: (left) The historical environmental feasibility rating for each species; (center) the proportion of the GCM ensemble projecting the retreat (historically feasible but projected unfeasible) or expansion (historically unfeasible but projected to be feasible) of the species in the 2041–2060 period; and (right) the mean change in feasibility across the GCM ensemble by the 2041–2060 period.
The report is designed for documentation and off-line use of a CCISS tool report session, e.g. as an appendix to a site plan. We recommend including only the site series of interest to the user. Choose the “Feasible Only” option to limit list to species that meet the threshold for inclusion as feasible in any of the time periods.
Feasibility data can be exported for conducting further analysis such as calculating summary statistics for your area of interest. Feasibility data exported from the CCISS tool is in “long form” with each row showing projected feasibility by site of interest, site series, and tree species. Data is exported as a .CSV file; a PDF metadata report is included in the export folder.
The CCISS method can be summarized into two main steps:
Step 1—Biogeoclimatic projections—Use a statistical model to assign climate analogs for a large ensemble of projected future climates for each location in British Columbia;
Step 2—Cross-reference tree species feasibility—For each site series at user-specified locations of interest, find the tree species feasibility ratings of the equivalent site series in the ensemble of climate analogs.
CCISS uses spatial climatic analogs to make inferences about future tree species feasibility. A spatial climate analog is a location with a historical climate that is similar to the current or future projected climate of a different location. Biogeoclimatic subzone/variants are a uniquely useful set of spatial climate analogs because they are familiar to resource management practitioners and are the organizing units for site-specific ecological interpretations accumulated over many decades.
In the CCISS framework, biogeoclimatic analogs are identified by training a statistical or machine learning model to recognize biogeoclimatic subzone-variants in terms of their historical (1961-1990) climatic conditions, and then applying that classification model to new (current or projected) climate conditions (MacKenzie and Mahony 2021). The new climates are thus labelled using their best analog within the BEC system, a process called biogeoclimatic projections (Figure 1).
To represent the uncertainty in modeling future climates, CCISS incorporates biogeoclimatic projections for 72 climate model simulations of the 21st century (8 climate models x 3 simulation runs x 3 socioeconomic scenarios).
Figure 1: An example of biogeoclimatic projections for British Columbia, excerpted from Mackenzie & Mahony (2021) (a) is the biogeoclimatic mapping for BC; (b) and (c) are biogeoclimatic projections for recent observed climate and a global climate model projection for the 2041-2070 period.
Step 2 involves finding the tree species feasibility information for the climate analogs identified by step 1. For each user-specified location at each 20-year period of the 21st century, the CCISS tool provides a historical biogeoclimatic unit and an ensemble of biogeoclimatic analogs. In the example provided in Figure 2, the historical climate is SBSmc2, and the climate analog for the projected future climate is IDFdk3. Both of these BGC units have associated site series, distributed across their unique edatopic grids. Each of these site series has associated tree species feasibility ratings. The CCISS analysis adopts the feasibility ratings of the biogeoclimatic analog as the projected feasibility for that time period. In this example, on the 01 site series, spruce (Sx) and subalpine fir (Bl) are demoted while Douglas-fir (Fd) and trembling aspen (At) are promoted. Since there is an ensemble of 72 climate projections, the CCISS feasibility projections at each time period are typically a distribution indicating the uncertainty in climate futures.
Figure 2: Illustration of the CCISS method of using climate analogs to project site-specific changes in tree species feasibility, excerpted from Mackenzie & Mahony (2021). (b) An idealized slope profile illustrates that, within each biogeoclimatic subzone/variant (a climate type), the relative soil moisture and nutrients available for tree growth are moderated by site factors such as soil depth, soil parent materials, slope position and slope aspect. (a,c) Edatopic grids show the integrated effect of site factors on soil moisture regime (rows) and soil nutrient regime (columns). The cells of the edatopic grid are called edatopes. Three of the 40 possible edatopes are featured in this figure: the B2 edatope representing nutrient-poor and relatively dry (subxeric) sites; the C4 edatope representing nutrient-medium and moisture-average (mesic) sites; and the D6 edatope representing nutrient-rich and relatively moist (hygric) sites. Site series are groups of edatopes that can support the same mature plant communities. (a,b,c) Relative edatopic position does not change with changing climate, allowing equivalent site series and associated tree feasibility ratings to be aligned between historical and projected climates. (d,e) Tree species environmental feasibility ratings have been developed for all site series in each biogeoclimatic unit. Equivalent relative edatopes support different tree species under different climate regimes.
The other tabs in this section provide more detail on the methods underlying the CCISS tool:
If you’re really motivated, check out our peer-reviewed paper on CCISS:
MacKenzie, W.H. and C.R. Mahony. 2021. An ecological approach to climate change-informed tree species selection for reforestation. Forest Ecology and Management 481:118705
In British Columbia, tree species selection for reforestation has followed an ecological approach since the adoption of the Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) by the provincial government in 1976. BEC is best described as an ecological classification framework that uses units of a plant community classification to identify and delineate ecologically equivalent climatic regions and site environmental conditions. The classification approach has hierarchical components describing climate and site level differences each based on biological (vegetation) differentiation:
Biogeoclimatic units are a specific type of bioclimate unit where the units are defined and differentiated based on mature plant associations that occur on specific site conditions known as zonal sites. Zonal sites are those positions on the landscape which best reflect climatic conditions: neutral aspect, deep loamy soils, middle slope position, mesic/medium edatopic position. Biogeoclimatic zones describe areas where zonal sites are dominated by specific late seral tree species (for forested units) reflecting broad climatic differences. Subzone/variants differentiate areas within zones by the late seral plant association of the zonal site. These more fine-grained units reflect variations in the regional climate and tree species composition of zones and define areas of ecologically equivalent climate space.
The site series describes the site-level ecological variability within each BGC subzone/variant. Predictably repeating patterns of site series occur on different site conditions as evidenced by changes in late seral plant community composition. Sites that support similar mature plant communities are considered ecologically equivalent and treated as members of the same site series. An independent set of observations of soils and site conditions are made during plot collection to determine its relative position on two important site level environmental gradients for forested ecosystems: relative soil moisture regime (very xeric to subhydric) and soil nutrient regime (very poor to very rich). BEC organizes site series by position along these two relative gradients on an edatopic grid. This relative environmental position within a biogeoclimatic unit allows the linkage of equivalent site concepts between BGC units in climate change modelling at a stand-level (i.e. a subxeric/poor site remains relatively subxeric and poor regardless of the over-arching climate regime).
More information on BEC can be found at BECweb
Creating species feasibility projections for the future climates of British Columbia requires finding climate analogs in Alberta and the Western US. For Alberta, we adapted the Ecological Classification of Alberta (e.g., Archibald et al. 1996), with 21 natural subregions (Natural Regions Committee 2006) as the biogeoclimatic map units and 167 ecological sites as the site series units. For Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, northern California, and northwestern Wyoming, we use a draft biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification for the Western US developed by Del Meidinger and Will MacKenzie. The resulting composite biogeoclimatic units are shown at the zone level in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Baseline biogeoclimatic units of British Columbia and adjacent jurisdictions, inferred from 20th-century ecosystem observations. Excerpted from Mackenzie & Mahony (2021). (a) Biogeoclimatic zones are the highest level of the biogeoclimatic classification. (b) Each zone comprises several subzones and subzone/variants. Draft biogeoclimatic ecosystem classifications for jurisdictions adjacent to British Columbia have recently been developed to support climate change adaptation with cross-border climate analogs. Zone names are provided in Table 1.
Table 1: Names and codes of biogeoclimatic zones of western North
CCISS estimates historical (1961-1990) tree species suitability ratings for all site series in British Columbia to reflect only the feasibility of species for reforestation based on species prominence in natural stands, observed plantation success, and autecological characteristics. Site-level variation in species feasibility within each biogeoclimatic unit for Alberta and the USA was similarly approximated using the plot data located in the modelled climate areas, descriptions available in publications describing forest associations or ecosites, and available autecological interpretations. We define reforestation feasibility using five categories:
E1 – High environmental suitability: Typically, no environmental limiting conditions for establishment and growth across the full range of site series conditions.
E2 – Moderate environmental suitability: Once tree species are successfully established, they will generally perform well. However;
species may be more susceptible to occasional but expected climatic extremes leading to mortality, damage, or reduced growth (e.g. drought periods);
some site types of the site series conditions may have higher constraints for the species leading to poor regeneration success or subsequent growth (e.g. frost prone locations or overly wet sites in Sx – Horsetail site series),
may express slow growth rates across all conditions (e.g. woodland subzones or Xeric sites with ~SI50 < 8m)
E3 – Low environmental suitability: Establishment and growth may be limited to specific site conditions of the site series but may perform well where successfully established.
expected climatic extremes have a high probability of causing reduced growth, damage or mortality in some years (e.g. drought periods);
a limited set of site series conditions are considered feasible for the species though it may perform well under these constraints (e.g. only feasible on warm aspect, lower elevations of the ESSF);
species may express very low growth rates across all conditions (e.g. parkland subzones or rock outcrops with SI50 < 5m)
Non-local Feasibility: Off-site trials indicate that a non-local species was feasible in the pre-climate change period but that migration lag or some other barrier restricted establishment.
Trial: Species is not recognized as historically feasible for a site series but is projected to become feasible in the near future. Establishment of small operational trials recommended to provide information on possible inclusion of species in feasible species list.
Unsuitable: Unlisted species are considered to be unsuitable to the site series in current and future periods. Future projections may indicate species are becoming unsuitable. This indicates that the climatic regime may impose serious growth constraints on the established species but may not necessarily indicate mortality.
Feasibility for different time periods, given the progression of climate change, are given the following terms in the CCISS tool:
Historic Feasibility: The baseline environmental suitability rating based primarily on the CFRG and the historic period pre 1991.
Establishment Feasibility: The feasibility rating based on the mean historic, current, and 2021-2040 future projected feasibilities. This indicates the likely level of constraints for successful establishment of the species now.
Maturation Feasibility: The mean feasibility rating based on the 4 future modelled 2021-2040 future projected feasibilities. This indicates the likely level of constraints for successful establishment of the species now.
Insect and disease risks need to be considered in reforestation, particularly in the context of climate change. These factors are currently being assessed by Forest Health researchers. However, currently forest health factors need to be assessed as an additional consideration to CCISS feasibility projections.
The Establishment to Free Growing Guidebooks and Chief Forester’s Reference Guide for Stocking Standards (CFRG) rank ecologically acceptable species for each site series. Three criteria are used to determine the most suitable species choices for sawlog production (the assumed management goal) based on an assessment of:
The rankings applied always have at least one “primary” species for each site series indicating the best species choice to meet the timber objective.
In contrast, the CCISS tool assesses the environmental suitability rating to species, which focuses on how well the species is suited to the climatic and site conditions of a site series regardless of management objective. Each tree species has adapted to a specific range of environmental conditions, and its growth and behaviour depend on the ecosystem in which it grows. In an unfavourable environment, that species growth potential will not be realized, and its susceptibility to damaging agents will increase. Unlike the ratings applied in the CFRG, site series with generally challenging growing conditions may have no tree species assigned to the highest suitability rating.
CCISS quantifies three types of climate change uncertainty: modeling uncertainty, natural variability, and socioeconomic uncertainty. These uncertainties are represented by calculating CCISS results for a large ensemble of potential future climate states. Rather than producing a single species feasibility value, CCISS provides a distribution of 72 feasibility values (8 climate models x 3 simulation runs x 3 socioeconomic scenarios) for each future time-period.
Climate models are simplifications of the earth system; they involve many compromises in modeling complex processes. Consequently, an ensemble of independent climate models is required to represent modeling uncertainties about climate change outcomes over large regions. CCISS uses an ensemble of 8 global climate models (GCMs), selected by Mahony et al. (2022), for independent modeling methods that are consistent with historical climate changes and the IPCC assessed range of very likely climate sensitivity. This ensemble is described and visualized in the cmip6-BC app.
Global climate models, and the Earth system itself, have internal variability—weather at time scales of hours to decades. At any point in time, the climatic conditions in different GCMs can differ not only because of differences in how they model climate, but also due to internal variability (weather). Even 20-year averages can differ significantly in different runs of the same model (Figure 1). For this reason, we include three independent simulation runs of each climate model in the CCISS ensemble.
Figure 1: Trajectories of simulated and observed climate change for southern Vancouver Island, illustrating uncertainty due to natural variability (weather) and structural differences among models. Small points are the changes in climate from 1961-1990 to 2001-2020 in up to ten independent simulations for each of eight global climate models (SSP2-4.5 scenario). Larger labelled points indicate the single-model ensemble mean change in 2001-2020. Lines indicate the trajectory of each single-model ensemble mean through 2100, with dots on each line indicating the ensemble mean during the five 20-year periods of the 21st century. The large grey square is the change in observed climate from 1961-1990 to 2001-2020 averaged across weather stations for the region. Trajectories further from the dotted grey lines (no change) indicate larger projected changes in summer precipitation (y-axis) and mean temperature (x-axis) or both. Model uncertainty is driven by differences in the global climate models (i.e. different colors) as well as differences in the individual runs of the same model (i.e. small circles of same color),
The third major category of climate change uncertainty relates to future concentrations of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere that result from global emissions policies and socioeconomic development. The climate model projections used by CCISS follow scenarios of future greenhouse gas concentrations commonly referred to as Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). CCISS includes projections for three major SSP scenarios: SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP3-7.0 (Figure 2). SSP1-2.6 assumes strong emissions reductions (mitigation) roughly consistent with the goal of the Paris Climate Accords to limit global warming to 2oC above pre-industrial temperatures. SSP2-4.5 assumes moderate mitigation and is roughly consistent with current emissions policies and economic trends. SSP3-7.0 is representative of a broader range of “baseline” scenarios that assume the absence of mitigation policies and is characterized by a linear increase in the rate of greenhouse gas emissions. Collectively, SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP3-7.0 provide a reasonable representation of optimistic, neutral, and pessimistic outlooks (respectively) on global GHG emissions reduction efforts (Hausfather and Peters 2020).
Figure 2: Projected change in summer mean temperature for the Southern Interior Ecoprovince of BC, showing the ensemble mean and range of the 8-model climate ensemble for the three greenhouse gas concentration scenarios used as a default setting in the CCISS tool.
CCISS uses spatial climatic analogs to make inferences about future tree species feasibility. A spatial climate analog is a location with a historical climate that is similar to the current or future projected climate of a different location. Biogeoclimatic subzone/variants are a uniquely useful set of spatial climate analogs because they are familiar to resource management practitioners and are the organizing units for site-specific ecological interpretations accumulated over many decades.
In the CCISS framework, biogeoclimatic analogs are identified by training a statistical or machine learning model to recognize biogeoclimatic subzone-variants in terms of their historical (1961-1990) climatic conditions, and then applying that classification model to new (current or projected) climate conditions. The new climates are thus labelled using their best analog within the BEC system, a process called biogeoclimatic projections.
CCISS uses a Random Forest machine learning model trained on a balanced set of training points for the BGC units of western North America. The climate predictors in this model are a set of seasonal bioclimate variables selected for low correlation, ecological relevance, and predictive importance. Biogeoclimatic modeling methods are a current focus of the CCISS team and the biogeoclimatic model is expected to evolve over the next year.
Biogeoclimatic projections are illustrated in Figure 1, excerpted from Mackenzie & Mahony (2021). While there is considerable variability in the pace and character of biogeoclimatic projections driven by different climate models, there are some common zone-level trends: the expansion of the IDF analogs northward into the current SBPS zone and into higher elevations in the current MS zone; the expansion of ICH analogs northward into the current SBS zone and into higher elevations in the current ESSF zone; the expansion of CWH analogs into higher elevations in the current MH zone and eastward into the current SBS zone; and the displacement of the current SWB zone by the ESSF analogs. Inter-model differences in precipitation changes are reflected in the biogeoclimatic projections, such as in the expansion of ICH analogs into the central interior in the wetter CanESM2 model instead of IDF analogs in the drier CESM1-CAM5 model. However, the tight relationship between warming and climatic displacement (Figure 1f) suggests that inter-model differences in the rate of displacement of historical climates are primarily driven by the amount and regional pattern of warming.
The biogeoclimatic projections for the 2011-2040 period include the incursion of exotic biogeoclimatic zone analogs into the province; e.g., the Sub-Boreal Aspen Parkland (SBAP) zone from Southeastern Alberta and the Interior Grand Fir (IGF) zone from Northwestern Oregon. In addition to these exotic biogeoclimatic zones, analogs for the projected future climates of BC also include exotic subzone/variants of familiar zones. The largest area of projected exotic subzone/variant analogs is in the boreal northeast of the province, where Albertan subzone/variants of the BWBS zone dominate. In later periods (2050s and 2080s), exotic analogs are also projected in the major valley systems of southern BC and on the south coast.
Figure 1: An example of biogeoclimatic projections for British Columbia, excerpted from Mackenzie & Mahony (2021). (a) Mapped biogeoclimatic zones, which encompass the 211 biogeoclimatic subzone/variants used to model tree species feasibility. (b) Biogeoclimatic projection of the recent period (1991-2018). (c-e) Biogeoclimatic projections of the 2041-2070 period (RCP4.5) for two GCMs with medium (CESM1-CAM5), low (MRI-CGCM3) and high (CanESM2) regional climate sensitivity. (f) Biogeoclimatic displacement relative to the change in the BC-mean temperature change for each of 90 model projections. Biogeoclimatic displacement is the proportion of grid cells across BC that have a different projected biogeoclimatic unit than their model-predicted biogeoclimatic unit of the 1961-1990 reference period. Boxplots show the full range and 25th-75th percentile range of the temperature change projected by the 15-GCM ensemble in each RCP/time period combination.
Although the visual effect of biogeoclimatic projections is of BGC zones and subzone/variants shifting across the map, these spatial shifts should not be taken literally. No analog is perfect, and analogs may be highly imperfect for a number of reasons. The actual future climate at any location will be a hybrid of (1) the characteristics of the analog climate, (2) novel climatic characteristics (e.g., extremes) that are not represented by the analog, and (3) enduring features of the local climate such as frost pooling, lake effects, and wind patterns. The likely proportions of these categories in any location and time period deserve careful consideration by the end users of CCISS products.
The misinterpretation of biogeoclimatic projections as literal spatial shifts in BGC units has led to a common perception that climate change is rendering biogeoclimatic mapping obsolete. This is not the case. The linework of biogeoclimatic subzone/variants in many cases will remain useful as units of relative climatic variation across landscapes. The terminology we use for biogeoclimatic projections can help to emphasize that biogeoclimatic analogs are only approximations and that the biogeoclimatic units themselves are not undergoing spatial shifts. Rather than saying “this location is becoming IDFxh1”, it is more correct to say “the future climate at this location is predicted to be similar to the historical climate of the IDFxh1.” Rather than “the IDF is moving north into the SBS”, it is better to say “the SBS is transitioning into more IDF-like climates”.
In the BEC system, variations in site conditions within each climate type (i.e., biogeoclimatic subzone/variant) are represented by an edatopic grid. An edatopic grid has 8 relative soil moisture regimes (SMRs) and 5 soil nutrient regimes (SNRs). Each cell in this grid, called an edatope, is the combination of one SMR and one SNR, and represents the finest scale of site differentiation in the BEC system. A site series is a group of edatopes over which a classified BEC Plant Association has been observed to occur. The distribution of site series across the edatopic grid is unique to each biogeoclimatic subzone/variant.
In the CCISS analysis, the edatope of each location of interest remains constant as the climate changes. If species feasibility ratings were specified for each edatope, and if the edatope of the location of interest were known, then there could be a direct transfer of species feasiblity from the future BGC analog to the location of interest. However, species feasiblity ratings are at the site series level, and typically the management decision is also being made at the site series level. This creates a problem for the CCISS analysis: since the edatopic distributions of corresponding site series at any edatope do not align among the BGC subzone/variants, there is ambiguity about which site series of the projected future BGC subzone/variant is the correct one to choose for any site series in the historical climate.
The problem of site series alignment is illustrated in Figure 1. In this example, the historical site series of interest is the 09 site series, which occupies four edatopes: D5, D6, E5, and E6 (left panel). The BGC subzone/variant analog for the future climate has three site series that overlap with this edatopic space: 07, 08, and 09 (right panel). Tree species feasibility ratings from each of these three site series are applicable to the historical site series 09.
Figure 1: Example of the misalignment of site series of a historical BGC subzone/variant (left) and the BGC subzone/variant analog for its projected future climate (right).
Instead of choosing a single “best match” analog site series, the CCISS tool uses all analog site series weighted by their overlaps with the historical site series (Figure 2). There are two directions of overlap: forward overlap (how much of the historical site series is covered by the analog site series), and reverse overlap (how much of the analog site series is covered by the historical site series). Overlaps are measured at the edatope level: partial occupancy of a site series in an edatope is counted as a full edatope. In the example from Figure 1, the historical 09 and analog 07 site series have a forward overlap of 25% and a reverse overlap of 50%. These overlaps are multiplied to produce an overlap agreement of 12.5%. After rescaling the overlap agreements by 1.273 so that they sum to 100%, the contribution of the 07 site series to the projected tree species feasibility is 16%.
Figure 2: Calculation of the overlap agreement for the example shown in Figure 1. Overlap agreement is weight of each site series to contribute its tree species feasibility ratings to the CCISS projection for the historical site series of interest.
Extra-edatopic site series (e.g. floodplains) are aligned to similar types by predefined rule sets (e.g. historical high-bench floodplain site series aligned to analog high-bench floodplain site series).
Under construction
Understanding potential sources of error is essential for appropriate use of the CCISS tool. The CCISS methodology has many components such as the species feasibility ratings, climate mapping, biogeoclimatic modeling, biogeoclimatic classification, and climate data downscaling. Each of these components have their own degree of error that can carry through into the CCISS tool results, emphasizing the importance of professional scrutiny in the interpretation of these results.
The CCISS methodology has many components (input data and analyses), each with their own sources of error in addition to the sources of uncertainty described previously. While often used interchangeably, error and uncertainty are different processes. Error is the absolute difference between an estimated value and the ‘true’ value for a quantity of interest that, in most cases, is unknown. Thus, unlike uncertainty, error cannot be directly quantified. However, understanding potential sources of error can help users determine appropriate uses for CCISS projections.
Tree species’ environmental tolerances are complex and many approximations are required to translate them into a simple feasiblity ratings metric used in CCISS. Feasibility ratings for each tree species in each site series have been assigned primarily through expert judgement with support from vegetation plot data. There are inevitably errors in this database, particularly for species that were not historically prominent in reforestation, such as deciduous species. The feasibility ratings are undergoing ongoing review by the CCISS team and regional ecologists, via the By-BEC Portal (Figure 1). Further, the CCISS team is currently conducting predictive modeling to quantitatively evaluate and refine feasibility ratings.
Figure 1: Screenshot of the By-BEC Portal, which facilitates expert review and revisions of the CCISS feasibility ratings. This example shows feasibility ratings for western redcedar on zonal sites, with editing for the CWHdm open.
The reference climate maps for CCISS are the PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) climate surfaces of temperature and precipitation at 800m spatial resolution developed by the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium. These surfaces are best-in-class, but they have important limitations. They are interpolated from weather station data that is sparse in many regions of BC (Figure 2). Most valleys and some larger regions have no stations, so the nuances of climate in these locations may not be well represented, particularly cold air drainage and elevational gradients. Further, the PRISM method does not model microclimatic factors such as heat loading (warm vs. cold aspects), vegetation influences, and lake effects. Microclimatic factors need to be accounted for during professional interpretation of CCISS results.
Figure 2: PRISM climate map of July daily maximum temperature, in the Cariboo-Chilcotin region. Stations are concentrated at low-elevations and are absent from large areas, demonstrating the potential for errors in the climate mapping.
Biogeoclimatic modeling involves using machine learning to classify climate conditions as biogeoclimatic units (subzones/variants). We have found that BGC projections are sensitive to many aspects of model training, especially climate variable selection. Improving BGC modeling methods and representing uncertainty in BGC projections is a current priority for the CCISS team. An example of these planned improvements is integrating climate variables that capture extremes such as heat waves and drought. Even with these future improvements, biogeoclimatic modeling will retain inherent imprecision and will continue to be a source of error in CCISS projections.
Climate changes are modeled in CCISS by overlaying very coarse-scale global climate model projections (50-150km resolution; Figure 3) onto the 800m PRISM climate maps, a method called change-factor downscaling. This approach results in a uniform warming rate from valley bottom to mountain top. In reality, we would expect elevation-dependent differences in warming rate due to loss of snowpack, for example. Similarly, change-factor downscaling can’t represent the role of other fine-scale features like lakes, vegetation, cold-air pooling, aspect, and soil moisture in modifying the regional average climate change. The Ministry of Forests’ ClimatEx project seeks to improve the spatial resolution of climate change modeling, but will not be integrated into CCISS for at least two years. CCISS users are encouraged to consider the role of site-specific modification of regional climate changes.
Figure 3: Coarse resolution of climate changes provided by global climate model data. This panel shows the low-resolution interpolated changes in July mean temperature for the EC-Earth3 global climate model for the 2041-2060 time period, relative to the model’s 1961-1990 climate. The coastline of Vancouver is shown for scale.
CCISS uses the best available biogeoclimatic analog for each projected future climate condition. In some cases, the future climate condition does not have a good analog in the pool of historical climates; this is known as a novel climate. The biogeoclimatic model will choose the closest climate analog to the novel climate, but there may be substantial differences between the novel climate conditions and the climate conditions of climate analog. The basic problem of novel climates (poor analogs) is that they give misleading results but are not explicitly identified by the model. Detecting novel climates in biogeoclimatic projections is a current priority for the CCISS project, but it is a non-trivial and computationally intensive problem. In the meantime, CCISS users need to have an understanding of how to interpret CCISS results in the presence of novel climates.
The spatial pattern of novel climates is quite well-defined and limited to a minority of British Columbia’s area (Figure 1). Figure 1 indicates that some regions of climatic novelty are sensitive to how climate is defined (i.e., which climate variables are used), for example on Haida Gwaii and southern Vancouver Island. Figure 1 (c & d) shows that using US and Alberta analogs reduces the problem of novel climates, especially in Northeast BC and the rocky mountain trench. Nevertheless, there are regions of BC with future climates that are novel to North America (Figure 1c), notably the hypermaritime fringe, the major valleys of southern BC, and the west Kootenays. CCISS results in these regions are prone to errors due to the confounding effects of novel climates.
Figure 1: Patterns of climatic novelty for British Columbia for the 2041-2070 period (RCP4.5), following the method of Mahony et al. (2018). Rows show novelty relative to locations limited to BC vs. North America. Columns show novelty measured in terms of different climate variables.
Novel climates cause the following examples of misleading results:
Users with query locations in the regions of novel climate highlighted in Figure 1c should be especially cautious in interpreting CCISS results.
The CCISS analysis is a space-for-time substitution: it uses observations of tree species’ tolerances across spatial gradients in climate to infer each species’ response to future climate changes. In other words, to understand tree species feasibility in a hotter future at any location, we study tree species feasibility in warmer places (climate analogs downhill and to the south). The space-for-time substitution approach is useful and necessary; the alternative would be physiological modeling of each tree species, a process with its own assumptions, sources of error, and data limitations. Nevertheless, there are limitations to the space-for-time substitution approach. This approach assumes that spatial differences in environmental conditions mirror the temporal changes expected under climate change, with the added assumption that tree responses to these conditions are consistent across both space and time. The errors associated with violations of these assumptions will vary depending on the species, site, region and silvicultural system.
CCISS is intended as an input to tree species selection decisions, not a one-stop-shop. CCISS provides a foundation of BEC-based interpretations that is comprehensive (all species for all site series across BC) but incomplete. Any tree species selection decision needs to account for other information, synthesized through professional judgement, including sources of error (discussed previously), other lines of evidence, and non-BEC factors.
The current CCISS analysis is a single modeling methodology with inherent assumptions and sources of error. Ideally, species selection decisions should be based on multiple lines of observational and modeling evidence. The CCISS team is collecting observational data and is planning to integrate CCISS analysis with other modeling approaches. In the interim, practitioners are encouraged to integrate the following information sources into their decisions:
CCISS adds a climate change dimension to the tree species interpretations of the BEC system. This approach accounts for many of the climatic and site factors in tree species selection. However, there are many non-BEC factors that are not directly accounted for in CCISS:
We welcome any feedback about the CCISS tool.
Email us at [email protected] or create a github issue at
If the climate model ensemble mean is different than the historical climate, does this mean the climate models are wrong?
The historical climate is one observation of many possible climate states that could have occurred due to the internal variability (weather) of the Earth’s climate system. Differences between the ensemble mean projection and the observed climate are not necessarily a contradiction; like climate vs. weather, the ensemble mean is the expectation and the observed climate is what actually happened.
However, if the observed climate is completely outside the range of the individual model runs, this is a problem. There are two major reasons why this could occur: (1) the downscaled model ensemble is failing to capture some aspect of regional climate dynamics; or (2) the observations themselves are biased due to errors in the station observations or in the gridded interpolation between stations. Both of these potential sources of error are an active area of research by the CCISS team.