The By-BEC Portal

Tree Range and Feasibility by BGC

Map Display

Edatopic Feasibility:

Export Spatial

Tree Feasibility Ratings for selected BGC:

Edit the feasibility values here. When you click submit, the updated values will be sent to a database. If you are looking at updated values, they will be shown with a pink background on the table.

Download feasibility data and updates:

Feasibility Audit Table

Select Tree Species


Show Selected Trial Types


Filter offsite trials by planting year:

Select Trial on Map or

Trial Info

Download Selected Trials Download Filtered Trials

Planting Info

Add a qualitative assessment; right-click table to add additional species

Hazard Rating by Tree and Pest

Hazard By BGC

Pest by Host map

Note: to add a new pest, right-click on the table, select 'add row', and enter pest name, code, and hazard ratings.

Climate variable summaries by BGC

Climate by BGC Map

Select Input

Summary Figures

ClimateBC Summary by BGC

About the By BGC Map Apps

Welcome to THE BEC ZONE!! This site houses a collection of apps with the function of geographically displaying and modifying forest information by BGC (biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification). The site currently has 3 apps: Tree Feasibility, which displays feasibility by species with various summary types, Off-site Trials, which shows trials on a map and is intended as a tool for assessing trials, and Forest Health, which displays pest severity by pest and host species. All three apps are intended to aid expert review, and allow updates where necessary. The site also contains a utility tool, 'Find a BGC', which provides and easy way to select BGCs either by location or name. Each app contains an Intructions button, which will pop-up detailed information about the app.


Site Author: Kiri Daust

Content Author: Will MacKenzie

Please submit issues or PRs to our Github repo